Let us begin by saying that ceramics, pottery, and porcelain are all referenced differently, yet they are made of clay. The most important thing about this ability to repair ceramics is based around it being clay. Let us say that clay is structured with tons of tiny particles, all attaching like Legos. When a Lego creation breaks, they usually break in a clean way to put them back together. That clay is the same way.

The convenient and easy route is to use super glue or epoxy. Now days super glues and epoxies are so strong and waterproof that almost any kind will work.
Once we have our glue or epoxy, follow its instructions on the label before application. Have some rubber bands or something to wrap around our piece to continue to apply pressure after we leave. When we are ready, use a bit of adhesive in the center of the break so the glue will not leak out the sides. After the glue is on, attach the two broken pieces and apply a generous amount of pressure for some odd amount of time. Right after that, wrap rubber band/s or what not around the piece.
Follow the instructions on the label when it comes to how long to dry the glue. Once done, our piece will be back for more. Depending on how bad the breaks are, they may show more or less of a crack after the repair. If our piece is for liquids, food, or microwave use, we recommend not using it anymore or replacing it and not doing this work unless for display. It is super easy to repair clay, thanks to how it fits right back together. Our first repair might not be the best, but the more we do it, the better and more comfortable we will get doing this.