How to make a slip casting pump system
We have all been there using the buckets to pour our slips. Maybe the buckets are heavy or spill a...

Credit card processing for pipes and high risk business
When starting a business, there are a few legal things to set up before credit card processing. It is best...

How to start pricing your products
Before we talk about the actual pricing, we need to go over our plan or goal. Do we want to...

How to fix broken ceramics, pottery, or porcelain
Let us begin by saying that ceramics, pottery, and porcelain are all referenced differently, yet they are made of clay....

How do you mix dry pottery slip?
Mixing slip should be easy, but it is nearly impossible to get it right when not knowing what to do....

How slip casting and plaster molds work
Plaster molds work in a simple enough way so let us explain. First of all, plaster comes from ground gypsum,...

How to make your own chunky pipe step by step
It helps if you know some necessary information about ceramics before starting here. Begin by wedging no more than one...